Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I love my kids!!

I went to Kiddie Kandids to get a picture of all three kids together. Getting pictures is usually very stressful but my wonderful supportive husband came with me to help and we actually had a good time. The only problem was trying to get Brynlee to stay awake for more than 3 seconds, so we finally just gave up. I loved this picture because it shows Autumn and Carson's real smiles. They have been the greatest big brother and sister. I am so proud of them.


Ryan and Kaytee said...

Hey Erica it's Kaytee (from high school) It's been a while. I have always wondered how you were doing. Your kids are so adorable!! Congrats on the new little one.

Ashlynn {mamabear} said...

Erica I found you! Yeah for you blogging!

Your kids are minature you & Ryan that is so sweet!

{Annie N.} said...

so cute, all the pictures! You have the cutest kids!